Siili as an investment
Why invest in Siili?
Continuous growth and good profitability
Siili has grown since its foundation in 2005, while cash flow and profitability have maintained a good level.
Our operating model Core & Portfolio
- Strong core business Core
On its main market in Finland Siili has good growth potential when the company focuses on accelerating the digitalization of its customers, e.g. by developing web services and robotic process automation. The company is able to challenge both traditional information system integrators and small creative studios. - Expertise and international growth potential in Porfolio units
Portfolio holds independent business units that produce services which hold international growth potential. VALA Group Oy and Siili Auto Oy belong in Portfolio as of now.
Siili remembers its shareholders
Siili’s history in distribution of divided is strong and the company aims to distribute 30–70 % of its profit of financial period as dividend, according to the company’s dividend policy.