Nomination board
Nomination board
As of 17.9.2021, the Nomination boards of Siili Solutions Plc's shareholders consists of the following persons:
- Heikki Westerlund (Chairman), Lamy Oy
- Timo Luhtaniemi, Erina Oy
- Jukka Vähäpesola, Keskinäinen Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Elo
- Esko Torsti, Keskinäinen Eläkevakuutusyhtiö Ilmarinen
- Harry Brade, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Siili Solutions Plc
The Shareholders' Nomination Board elects a chairman from among its members.
The Shareholders' Nomination Board consists of five (5) members, of whom the company's four (4) largest shareholders are each entitled to nominate one member. The current chairman of the Board of Directors is the fifth member of the board in the role of an expert.
The Annual General Meeting of Siili Solutions Plc decided on 11 August 2020 to establish a shareholders' nomination board. The task of the board is to e.g. prepare proposals for the number and persons of the members of the Board of Directors and for the annual remuneration of the Annual General Meeting and, if necessary, the Extraordinary General Meeting.